The kernel level for 7.1 is kernel-3.10.0-229.el7. The number of technology previews for System z has been greatly reduced, successful testing allows now support for those features.
Here is my usual summary of links to more information:
- Complete RHEL 7 documentation
- RHEL 7.1 release notes
- RHEL 7.1 known issues
- RHEL 7.1 kernel CVE documentation
- RHEL 7 installation guide
- RHEL 7 installation guide for z
- RHEL 7 performance tuning guide
- IBM documentation on developerworks
- RHEL limits
- RHEL lifecycle - note that there is no EUS support for RHEL 7.0
- RHEL7 package list (now updated to include 7.1)
(updated 3/18/2015)