The kernel level of the GA version is kernel-3.10.0-123, however as this is a new release I strongly recommend everyone to apply the updates from Red Hat to get the bug fixes that didn't make the DVD! As of 7/4 the latest update kernel is kernel-3.10.0-123.4.
Here is my usual summary of links to more information:
- Complete RHEL 7 documentation
- RHEL 7.0 release notes
- RHEL 7.0 System z specific technology previews
- RHEL 7.0 known issues, read this carefully!
- RHEL 7.0 installation guide
- Please note that the X11 installation is no longer supported by Red Hat on any platform. You have to choose between text mode, VNC or kickstart.
- RHEL 7.0 performance tuning guide
- IBM documentation on developerworks
- RHEL limits
- RHEL lifecycle - full 10 year support
- RHEL7 package list
- IBM tested platforms and example parm files for installation (you need to change all the actual values).
- Red Hat hardware certifications: z114, z196, zBC12, zEC12
RHEL7 is not going to work on older machines. Be aware that if your SSI contains an older machine (e.g. z10) z/VM is going to prevent it from running on supported machines as well. - Red Hat presentation at the Boeblingen lab
(updated 10/31/2014)