February 26, 2016

IBM Interconnect 2016 news

This week at Interconnect in 2016 there were some good demos that I want to share. In the key note presentation from Ross Mauri "Master Hybrid Cloud, Defend Against Cyber Threats with IBM z Systems and IBM LinuxONE"

there are some interesting demonstrations: the "shopping experience" demo for LinuxONE starts at 25:15 and blockchain demo for LinuxONE starts at 51:22.

February 24, 2016

New whitepaper: "High Availability with KVM for IBM z Systems"

There is a new white paper on IBM Techdocs that covers High Availability aspects for KVM on z.
From the abstract: "This white paper focuses on considerations for setting up a highly-available KVM for IBM z environment hosting your business applications. With IBM’s investments in z Systems reliability, availability and serviceability, z Systems is an excellent platform to host a High Availability KVM for IBM z environment."

February 22, 2016

KVM for IBM z Systems V1.1.1 and KVM survey

Together with the z13s IBM also announced the next version KVM for IBM z Systems V1.1.1 (search for 1.1.1 in the announcement). It will be available March 18, 2016. Here are some of the enhancements it will offer:
  • Simultaneous multi threading (SMT) support in the host. The guests don't see the difference
  • Support for the Vector Facility introduced in z13(s) (SIMD) to accelerate string operations and calculations
  • Hypervisor enhancements including support for iSCSI and NFS
  • Unattended installation capability of hypervisor for ease of installation
As this new product is continue to evolve at a fast pace, IBM has put up a survey for everyone interested to provide their input.

For the popular UI virt-manager a "howto build" is available. 

(updated 2/25/2016)

February 17, 2016

z13s videos

Announcement & retail demo: The retail demo starts around 17:50 into the video 

Other marketing videos: 

February 16, 2016


IBM announced the new version of the business class  mainframe called z13s.  This is the successor to the zBC12. You can find the detailed announcement letter here.
glas model picture for z13s
z13s glas model - photo Michael Storzer

From a Linux perspective the IBM tested platforms has been updated to include z13s. SUSE has published the certifications:
Also announced are
Useful links:
(updated 10/21/2016)